Looking for Volunteers to Assist Us in Our Biggest Annual Fundraiser: Parking Cars for Bangor’s National Folk Festival, Aug. 25, 26 & 27, at Penobscot Plaza parking lot, Washington St., Bangor

Looking for volunteers to assist us in parking at the Penobscot Plaza on Washington Street in Bangor for the National Folk Festival. Curran Homestead Village is given permission each year by the businesses of the Penobscot Plaza to sell parking spaces to visitors to the Bangor waterfront’s Folk Festival. The Folk Festival starts at 5PM today and continues on through Saturday and Sunday. This is the closest parking area to where the festival is. This is one of our biggest fundraisers. If you want to volunteer to assist us today, Saturday and/or Sunday, give us a call at 207-205-4849 or 207-745-4426. We would love your company.