Make Your Reservation Now for 19th Century Curran Homestead Village’s September 22, 4:30-7PM Painted Pony Fundraising Dinner with Freshly Cut Grass Bluegrass Band. Curran Homestead Village (formerly Willowbrook Museum ), 70 Elm Street, Newfield, ME. At the museum’s rustic restaurant, there will be live music with Maine’s own Freshly Cut Grass. One seating only at 4:30, dinner served at 5. The menu includes Mary’s own encrusted chicken cordon bleu, glazed baby carrots, ribbons of zucchini, rolls with butter, scalloped potatoes, green salad, cranberry compote, corn chowder and apple crisp a la mode. Meal includes a pint of local Gneiss beer or glass of wine, or a choice of other beverages. Additional beer and wine for purchase, $5, $3. Reserve a free ride at 3 or 4PM on the horse carousel with your 4:30PM dinner reservation. This is a fundraiser supporting our annual school field trip programming with more than 1600 from the area in May and June, 2018 and more to come this fall; help keep a 49 year tradition for area kids going. Single: $30, Couples $55. Call as soon as you can for your reservation: (207) 205-4849 or (207) 745-4426.