Giving Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Support 19th Century Curran Villages, an invaluable community resource for you and your family, for Maine and beyond.

A $5500 Matching Fund Challenge has been pledged once again by another anonymous donor. If met by February, 2020 with your generous donation, we will receive a much needed $11,000 to assist us in our ongoing mission.

Since this past summer, the museum has met two other challenges with $20,000 in total donations received. This is in addition to a generous donation from the William C. Bullock, Jr. Family Foundation of $50,000 to help kick start our 2019 Rural Maine Heritage Endowment Fund.
With a generous gift, you will:
- Preserve our Maine and New England rural history
- Allow us to develop new, maintain existing, and share at both our museum villages hands-on learning exhibits that inspire thought, nurture curiosity, and prepare a new generation for the challenges of the future with the know-how of the past.
- Become a supporter of a resource that adds to the quality of life among communities like northeastern and southwestern Maine, New Hampshire, and the many, annual visitors from away who appreciate the connections with the past they experience
- Not only affirm the importance of our rural heritage but deem the innovations and products of the Industrial Age rooted in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics worthy of your family’s attentions.