Saturday, March 14, Maple Syrup Event & Irish Celebration at Orrington

Saturday, March 14. Maple Syrup Event and Irish Celebration at 372 Fields Pond Rd.,Orrington.
Weather Dependent. If it’s on Facebook and our website the day before it’s on.
Pancake breakfast with maple syrup at 8AM-10:30AM. Enjoy some homemade pancakes cooked on Grandma’s cast iron Griswold griddles that she got as a wedding present in 1936 with the whole set of pots and pans. They’re cooked on the Curran family’s original 1930 Crawford combination wood and gas kitchen stove. The cost is $5 adults and $3 for kids.
From 10-3 our regular Maple Syrup Event and Irish Celebration is on.
Egg Hunt for Kids with prizes, horse drawn bobsled rides, blacksmithing roundup, tree taping hands-on experience, assist in collecting syrup, ongoing sugaring off in the sugar shack, perhaps some ice harvesting with our 1919 Novo ice saw on Fields Pond if ice permits. Hot food & drinks including authentic Irish Stew and soda bread until 3, hot cider, Adults: $12 and kids $3. all includive price with food, drink sled rides and program. Monies earned go to benefit the museum. Admissions Price includes food and all activities,