2025 Season Calendar
Visit other webpages on our website: curranhomestead.org & our Facebook page for more information about open days events, and workshops for adults and kids in 2025.
Please be patient about open days and events as we depend on volunteers. We are currently building a new corps of volunteers Post-Covid. If you would like to contribute and are interested in volunteering some time weekdays or weekends please email us: thecurranhomestead@gmail.com or phone: (207) 205-4849 to discuss the possibilities.
Saturday & Sunday, March 1 & 2, 2025, 9-3, Beginning Blacksmithing for Kids: Make a Tomahawk (Ages 11-15)
Saturday & Sunday, February 22 & 23, 2025, 9-3, Beginning Blacksmithing for Kids: Make a Tomahawk (Ages 11-15)
Saturday & Sunday, February, 15 & 16, 2025, 9-3, Valentine’s Blacksmithing Weekend: Make a Knife Workshop
Saturday & Sunday, February 8 & 9, 2025, 9-3, Blacksmithing: Make a Knife Workshop
Saturday, February 18, 2025, 9-3, Beginning Blacksmithing for Kids, Ages 11-15
Two Day Weekend Blacksmithing Workshop;; Make a Knife, September 28 & 29, 9AM-4PM, Start to finish knifemaking. Forge a blade. Go through the tempering process. Fit a hardwood scales and brass rivet handle. Cost: $325 Must be twelve years old. Ages 12-16 must be accompanied by an adult who can assist. Both can sign up and make two knives at a cost of $500. Pay to register by calling 207-205-4849,
Week Long Timber Framing Workshop, Starts September 23, 10AM. Ends October 2, 4PM. You can extend your instruction with additional work on the construction project for no extra fee. You will need to purchase or locate a tool kit (Posted on our adult workshops webpage). Cost: $750—proceeds go to costs incurred by the construction. Learn tools, methods and theory related to mortise and tenon timber frame construction with professional building restorer and timber framer Ed Somers of Bridgton, ME. This experience includes not only framing preparation but assembly. Call for additional info. or to register for the workshop. This is our third timberframing class, and you can see some of our constructions at the museum. Call: 207-205-4849
Old Home Week Celebration, July 12-21, 2024, Sunday, July 14 & 21, 12-4PM Silent Movies. Free Admission
Sunday, July 7, 2024, 12Noon -4PM, Silent Movies at the Cider Mill. Free Admission. Popcorn: $3. The Farmers’ Market will be open from 2-6PM.
Cancelled (Weather)—Sunday, June 23, 2024, 2PM -5PM, Silent Movies at the Cider Mill. This is weather dependent ( it’s been in the 90s this week), Free Admission.
Sunday, June 16, 2024, 12-4PM, Silent Movies at the Cider Mill, Free Admission.
Sunday, June 2, 2024, 2-5PM:
Carousel rides at 2:30. 3:30. & 4:30PM/ Tickets: $5 There will be museum activity, including work on a 1930 Ford Model AA vehicle. Tours available at 3 (Free); please meet in front of the Blacksmith Shop where the Orrington Farmers’ Market is in progress.
Sunday, May 24, 2024, 2-5PM:
In conjunction with the new Orrington Farmers’ Market located at the Museum each Sunday, 2-6PM, some of the museum will be open (Free Admission). This will include the Letterpress Office and the Blacksmith Shop. Demonstrations will be ongoing at both. Learn about future letterpress printing workshops and blacksmithing workshops ( there is a Weekend Knifemaking Workshop coming up; see the “adult workshops” webpage on this website or consult our Facebook page “Events”. Carousel rides ($5) will be given at 2:30, 3:30, and 4:30.
Sunday, May 19, 2024: The Letterpress Office will be open (Free). The Wood Splitter will run (weather permitting), Carousel Rides: 3, 4, & 5 PM. Carousel Ride: $5.
Sunday, May 12, 2024, The Country Store and Letterpress Office will be open (Free). Carousel Rides ($5): 2:30, 3:00, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30, & 5:30.
Sunday, May 5, 2024: Carousel Rides offered in conjunction with the new onsite Orrington Farmers’ Market ( Every Sunday, 2-6PM). Carousel Tickets: $5
Our calendar may change due to lack of staffing. Sorry, we cannot open to the general public with only one or two people on hand. Unless designated admission is $10 per person.
Saturday, March 16, 10AM-3PM, Maple Syrup & Irish Celebration: Sugaring off, Egg Hunt with prizes, Belgian draft horses wagon rides, antique equipment demos, Bluegrass music with Riverside Jammers, 11AM-1PM, antique gas engines, museum village tours, letterpress printing, blacksmithing, and more… All included admission: Adult: $12, Ages 13-18: $6, 12 & Under: Free.
Saturday, April 20, 10AM-3PM, Earth Day Event. Carousel Rides. ( Our 1894 Armitage- Hershell Riding Gallery used throughout Maine and other destinations from 1896-1922), Lots of food choices, including Vegetarian baked beans, Pork & Beans, Chili, Hot Dogs, with Coney Island Sauce, if you like, Kraut Kuchen ( Volga German bacon & cabbage pastry), Strudels, Ice Cream with our own maple syrup, Newly donated wood splitters, Live steam wooden burning traction engine, hit and miss gas engines (a 1919 Fairbank-Morse 5 HP), A Cord Saw with a circa 1905 Economy gas engine performs, Blacksmithing ongoing ( we have frequent classes and this demo is with former students ), our 1917 Ford Model T Depot Hack will be running, a team of Belgian draft horses will be giving wagon rides, try one of our proof presses at the Whig & Courier Letterpress Office ( Meet Jeff Buxton whose family ran the Bucksport [Maine] Free Press for several generations; we were given both type, cuts, etc., and a Chandler & Price Letterpress from the establishment), Crank a vintage Ice Cream Maker, Learn to graft apple tree scions with Nate Coe ( last year we grafted 60 apple trees with heritage varieties [ Black Oxford, Gray Pearlmain, Gravenstein, Spitzenburg, and more,..). We have 93 trees started for Curran’s own orchard to complement its 1870s cider mill. There will be wax paper stained glass-esque book marker and window hangers making going on with dried flowers from the Curran Farm, a scavenger hunt for kids, There’s a lot more going on… Admission is an all-included price; $12 Adults, Ages 12-18: $6, and 11 and Under: Free.
Starting May 5, 2-6PM and every Sunday until October 12, Orrington Farmers’ Market at 19th Century Curran Village
The Farmers’ Market is an independent entity that will be located each Sunday at the Museum from 2-6PM. The vendors come from both near and far. As we go forward there will be more vendors setting up at the Market. There were five vendors for the first Sunday. Fresh vegetables are dependent on the growing season. The Market does have choices of fresh eggs, goat milk, and meat currently. There are arts and crafts vendors as well. There will be bakeries,
The Museum will post on its’ website and on Facebook if the Museum is open during this time. As the Museum is dependent on volunteers in order to be open and offer an experience of its buildings and collections we are not always able to be open. We are looking for volunteers to assist us in the future as docents/interpreters. Please contact us, if you are interested.
Sunday, May 12, 2024, 2-6PM. The Museum will have several buildings open to the public; we will not be charging admission, but a carousel ride will cost $5 per person.
Saturday, March 16, 10-3, is our Maple Syrup & Irish Celebration. Past Photos: