This past July 18-22 , 19th Century Curran Village hosted its’ first week-long summer S.T.E.A.M. history camp. Our program included the following:
Alexander Calder-esque Wire Figure Circus Sculpture with artist Ann Thompson, Biddeford, ME
Foot Treadle Sewing Machine with Susan Howard (Project: Cinch Bag Made with Fat Quarters)
Cyanotypes with artifacts and found objects with Robert Schmick & Doug Dolan
Archaeological Dig
Fiber Arts: Make a Lap Loom, Weave, Spin Wool with a Drop Spindle
Native American Program with Ken Hamilton: Make wampum, storytelling, song and dance
Woodworking: Make a Dowel Handle Toolbox with Doug Dolan & Weldon Long
Woodworking: Make a Coat Rack Using a Shaving Horse, Draw Knife, Spoke Shave and Saw with Doug Dolan
Ford Model T Rides
Rides on our 1894 Armitage-Herschell Horse Carousel
Letterpress Printingwith Mark Matteau of the Dunstan Press, Scarborough, ME
Pickle Making with Cheryl & Weldon Long
Metal Castingwith Peter Grant, Odd Duck Foundry, Orrington, ME
Blacksmithing with Robert Schmick
Letterpress Printing at the Whig & Courier Letterpress Office, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Making circus figures with wire, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022In the Carpenter’s Shop, making dowel handle toolboxes, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Zoe shows her weaving project, fiber arts, Summer camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022On the carousel, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022On the 1894 Armitage-Herschell riding Gallery,, carousel, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022 Stringing wampum, Native American Culture, with Ken Hamilton, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Making lap looms, fiber arts, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Typesetting, Letterpress, at the Whig & Courier Letterpress Office, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Typesetting, letterpress, Whig & Courier Letterpress Office, 19th Century Curran Village, Summer Camp, 2022Ainsley at the treadle sewing machine, Foot Treadle Sewing Machine Sewing, 19th Century Curran Village, Summer Camp, 2022Ken hamiltionn assists with lap looms, fiber arts, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Carousel, 19th Century Curran Village, Summer Camp, 20221894 Armitage-Herschell Riding Gallery, Carousel, 2022Carousel Rides, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022The Whig & Courier Letterpress Office with new handicap accessible ramps, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Genevieve Schmick, a Summer Camp Staffer, works at a treadle sewing machine, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Fiber Arts, summer Camp, Whig * Courier Letterpress Office, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Volunteer Summer Camp Counselor Cheryl Long cooling down Victorian style in the Whig & Courier Letterpress Office, 19th Century Curran Village, July, 2022Letterpress printing in the Whig & Courier Letterpress Office, with Mark Matteau of the Dunstan Press, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Summer camp counselor Doug Dolan in the Whig & Courier Letterpress Office, 19th Century Curran village, 2022Making Alexander Calder-esque circus wire sculptures, Summer Camp, Whig & Courier Letterpress Office, 2022 Typesetting with printer Mark Matteau of the Dunstan Press, Scarborough, Whig & Courier Letterpress Office, Summer Camp, 2022Metal Casting with Peter Grant, Odd Duck Foundry, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022 Peter Grant of the Odd Duck Foundry, Metal Casting, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Metal Casting, with Peter Grant, Odd Duck Foundry, Summer camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Foot Treadle Sewing on the Curran Farmhouse Porch, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Foot Treadle Sewing Machine Sewing with Susan Howard, Curran farmhouse porch, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Volunteer Cheryl Long gets in a few runs on a foot treadle sewing machine, Curran farmhouse porch, Summer Camp, 2022Foot treadle Sewing Machine Sewing, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Foot Treadle Sewing on the porch with Susan Howard, summer camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Shaving Horses, Making coat racks, summer camp, 19th Century Curran VillageA working collection of shaving horses, summer camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Metal Working, Wire Sculpture Circus Figures, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Learning abiout tools, Wire sculpture circus sculpture, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Artist Ann Thompson, bent wire sculpture and jewelry. Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022 Found artifacts, archaeological dig, summer camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Bent wire sculpture, figurative circus sculpture, summer camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Figurative wire sculpture, Circus Sculpture, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Circus Sculpture, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Wire Sculpture & Jewelry, 19th Century Curran Village, Summer Camp, 2022Wire Sculpture & Jewelry, 19th Century Curran Village, Summer Camp, 2022Doug Dolan with his Schoolhouse Wall Clock Donation in the Whig & Courier Letterpress Office, 2022Dowel Handle Toolbox Making, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Toolbox Making, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Lunch time at the Marsh Hay Sled from Scarborough, ME, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, July, 2022How about a ride on our 1926 Centaur Garden Tractor,, Donated by Ed Buck of Bradley, ME, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022 Dorian takes a snooze in the Marsh Hay Sled from Scarborough, ME, summer camp, 19th Century Curran Village, July, 2022Lunch time at the 1917 Ford Model T Depot Hack, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Ken Hamilton shares stories, Native American Culture, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Ken Hamilton, Native American Culture, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Dowel Handle Toolbox Making, woodworking, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Wampum beads, Native American Culture, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Making wampum, Native American Culture with Ken Hamilton, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Encampment, with Ken Hamilton, Native American Culture, summer camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022 Shenanigans at the Ox Sling, summer camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Dance & Song, Native American Culture, with Ken Hamilton, summer camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Song & Dance, Native American Culture with Ken Hamilton, summer camp, 19th Century Curran village, 2022Song and dance with Ken Hamilton, Native American Culture, summer camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022At the Whig & Courier Letterpress Office, Summer Camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022Taking a ride in the Ford Model T, summer camp, 19th Century Curran Village, 2022