Adopt a Carousel Horse, Pony or Chariot in 2023
Sisters Zoe and Pippa Jamison of Bangor have formerly adopted Pony #3 and Pony #11 that they have named “Porridge”
and “Buckle” respectively.

19th Century Curran Village, Orrington & Holden, Maine
372 Fields Pond Rd., Orrington, ME 04474
Sisters Zoe and Pippa Jamison of Bangor have formerly adopted Pony #3 and Pony #11 that they have named “Porridge”
and “Buckle” respectively.
We will not have our annual ice harvest this year due to thin ice and lack of frost in the ground.
We need very thick ice (usually 20 inches or more thick) to drive our tractor with half tracks pulling a sled to retrieve
ice harvested and transport it to the ice house at the Village above Fields Pond. Concern for the safety of our guest draft
horses is also a factor. We have had lots of snow but it is mud under that in the field where we give rides on a bobsled. The
horses could get injured pulled a heavy sled on soft ground as well as lose a shoe(s).
We will likely do an impromptu ice harvest for the sake of getting some ice for our Ice house so we can keep ice in our refrigerators in the farmhouse and Letterpress Office. We will cut that with our 1919 NOVO ice saw. We will post swhen and what time on our website and Facebook page if you are interest and want to help.
We will have our Maple Syrup & Irish Celebration Event on Saturday & Sunday, March 18 & 19, 10-3. We hope to offer draft horse and sled rides then as we have had snow at this time. We will have food, drink and demonstrations. We’re looking for blacksmiths for a roundup on these dates; let us know if you want to show up and use our blacksmith shops. There will an egg hunt in the snow for the kids and adults too if they like. Prizes awarded for eggs retrieved. And of course, we will be making maple syrup, you can try some, and we will have a choice of foods to taste the syrup with like homemade jonny cakes ( corn meal pancakes) and ice cream. Come see the progress of the museum. Food, drink and horse sled rides covered with our admissions price of $12 per person, under 15: $6.