Blacksmithing: Make a Knife Workshop
Our popular blacksmithing workshop is back. Saturday & Sunday, February 10 & 11, 9AM-4PM, Knife Making Workshop.
Start to finish class. Begin with hand forging a blade and a handle tang from high carbon steel. Grind, file and sand your blade to perfection. You will temper the knife with an oil quench and an oven heat. You will prepare your tang to receive brass rivets and hard wood handle scales, You can sand these and oil finish them. We use a fast-drying epoxy in addition to the brass rivets to hold your handle together. Bring a bag lunch, safety glasses with side shields, ear plugs, leather gloves, natural fiber clothing, leather footwear, and a 2.5-3 lb. metal working hammer ( pein type or drill hammer ). Cost: $325 In case we have to cancel due to snow we will negotiate with you a makeup weekend. Gift certificates available. Call: 207-205-4849