As you might know, the Village received a $45,000 Federal grant to build its’ 24″ x 72″ Community Center. This grant can only pay for materials, not labor. Additionally, a Davis Family Foundation Grant paid for the steel-reinforced building pad and an initial delivery of rough cut hemlock timbers that was subsequently used to create 24 x 32, or 4 bents, of the mortise and tenon timber frame structure. A workshop in timber frame construction began the process with six tuition paying students in May of 2022. Nate Coe continued the construction as a paid worker, and more recently under the guidance of Ed Somers of Bridgton and with the help of Nate and a group of volunteers the 32′ of the structure was assembled. Thank you also to Richard Pearson of Albion, ME who lent us his boom truck to assist in its’ assembly. We are now sheathing the roof to receive metal roofing. We will continue to work at closing up the framework with board and battens weather permitting. This is a perfect opportunity to learn building skills, especially those applicable to the more specialized style of timber framing. Contact us. We need volunteers to continue this construction. 207-205-4849.