Celebrating 30 Years as a Non-Profit Organization, 1993-2023
When we started, who helped us on our journey, and what happened along the way to 2023
The Currans and their Farm, 1914-1990
Alfred, Eddy, Frank and Mike Curran, c. 1945Main Barn & Ell, c. 1995Eddy, Mike, Frank, Catherine and Alfred CurranView of Curran Farm from Fields Pond, c. 1930Curran Farmhouse, c. 1993Curran Farmhouse & Fields House, c. 1993Curran Barn & Ell, c.1989Carriage Ell, Main Barn, Ell, Farmhouse, c. 1989
The Museum
1990s – 2005
Copper, the horse, was a fixture at The Curran Homestead in its early years. Brian Higgins was the Curran Homesteasd’s first museum director and was one of its founding board members. Brian was also very active with the Brewer Historical Society. He was largely responsible for the creation of Chamberlain Park, a recreation in Brewer of Little Round Top of the Battle of Gettysburg where the Maine 20th led by Brewer native Joshua Chamberlain highlighted Maine ‘s contribution to Union forces in the War of the Rebellion. Founding board member Irv Marsters with Copper in the Curran Barn.The late Stan White seen here feeding Copper was a longtime contributor to The Curran Homestead and more recently a former board president of 19th Century Curran Village.Brian Higgins, in role, looks on as Copper is fitted with new shoes.Shoeing CopperAerial View, c.1990The gigantic horn beam tree was still thriving when this was taken in the 1990s. It eventually died, and we had to remove it. The Maine State forester declared it the largest horn beam in the State of Maine.Baked beans on the old Wood & Bishop Schoolhouse Stove in the Sugar Shack.W & B Stove in the Sugar Shack
A hayride at The Curran Homestead’s Halloween Event, 2008Halloween Event, 2008Gabriel Schmick holds tight to candy received at The Curran Homestead’s Halloween Event, 2008Halloween, Farmhouse, 2004Halloween, Easter Bunny (Linda Haagen), 2004Halloween, Monster Cockroaches, Monster Scavenger Hunt, 2008Halloween, Monster Scavenger Hunt, 2008Halloween, Scarecrow Drawing, 2008Halloween, Pumpkin Painting, 2008Halloween, On the Swing, 2004Halloween, Curran Barn, Scary Barrel, 2004Halloween, At the Grinding Wheel, 2004Summer Festival, Bodica in the Curran Barn, 2008Summer Festival, Horseless Carriage, Jim Leighton, 2008Summer Festival, Memorial Service,2008Blacksmith Bob Robinson demonstrates at our Summer Festival, 2008Rides in Tetley Tee, a 1917 Model T, at our Summer Festival, 2008Contributor Dan Hughes at the Summer Festival, 2008, with his Scottish Highland Beef Steer Bodica.Food concession at our Summer Festival, 2008Receiving an award for her contributions to Junior Achievement Bangor Daily News editor Joni Averill was our Guest of Honor at the Summer Festival, 2008New Meter and Service: Volunteer electrician Ed Pederaf and Board President John Mugnai, 2007Standard Electric of Bangor makes donation of electrical hardware to The Curran Homestead. Here with board member Fred Hartstone, 2007Board member Cathy Martinage takes receipt of a new circuit breaker box at Fairmount Hardware with owner and Curran Homestead contributor Sheldon Hartstone.Back of Main Barn, 2007Blacksmith Bob Robinson, 2007Orringtonian Bob Glidden, on right, donates an ice pike and ice saw to The Curran HomesteadBoard members Robbie & Jerry Hughes receive award from board member Karen Marsters, Annual Meeting, 2004 Board member Irv Marsters, Annual Meeting, 2004Board President Karen Marsters honors board member Carroll Adams, 2004Karen Marsters honors John Vickery, Sr., 2004