Winter, 2019-2020 Happenings

Sunday, December 29, 2019, 12-4, Holiday Gathering at the Curran Farmhouse, 19th Century Curran Village at Orrington, 372 Fields Pond Rd., Orrington, ME. You are welcome to join us for this potluck lunch. Learn about the museum and its doings, Contact us if you think you might come, or just show up. (207) 205-4849.
Saturday & Sunday, January 5 & 6, 9-4. Knife Making Class at Orrington village. The popular class that has long been offered in Newfield is now offered at Orrington for the first time with instructor Dwight King. You will forge a blade and tang from spring steel using blacksmithing techniques and a gas powered forge. Grind, file, and sand to perfection. Oil quench and oven temper. You will attach hardwood handle scales to your tang with pins and fast drying epoxy. Sand and polish. Walk away with your first knife. Cost: $225, includes materials and tools. Bring a 2.5 lb. hammer that is comfortable for you as well as safety eye wear, work gloves and shoes and natural fiber clothing. Although we will heat the spaces we work in you should dress warmly. First come, first serve. Pay to register, 207-205-4849.
Saturday, January 25, 2020, 10-3, Family Ice Harvest on Fields Pond, 19th Century Curran Village at Orrington, 372 Fields Pond Rd., Orrington, ME. Participate in this re-enactment of a commercial ice harvest as was once done on this same spot. Use antique tools to cut and haul in ice cakes. Load up our old log scoot that carries the harvested crop up to the “village”. Also, horse drawn bobsled rides ($5). See for the first time our 1919 NOVO ice saw in action demonstrating how ice was cut at the advent of gas power. There will be an open air barbecue with food for sale to support the museum. Snowshoeing is encouraged; brave our snow trail to the largest glacial erratic in the area. Ice fishing. You’re welcome to lounge in the farmhouse living room and watch several documentaries on ice harvesting and perhaps listen to some live music. Call (207) 205-4849 for additional information.
Saturday, February 1, 2020, 10-4, Family Ice Harvest on the Mill Pond, 19th Century Curran Village at Newfield, 70 Elm St., Newfield, Maine. This year we will host the York County District Boy Scout Klondike Derby. There will be a crowd as kids pulling dog sleds compete against each other at learning stations around the campus. This is free to the public, and you have the opportunity to assist in the cutting of ice cakes that will be put into our onsite ice house. A demonstration of a 1919 NOVO ice saw will be underway; This is a long dormant gas powered machine from the collection that was brought back to life by volunteers in Orrington. Horse drawn bobsled rides ($5), warming stations, food concession ( Bowls of hot chili, cornbread, and sweets for sale). Blacksmithing demonstrations and more. See you then, (207) 205-4849 for more information.