New Disclosure: Workshops are a source of revenue for our nonprofit museum as well as a fulfillment of our mission. We limit class sizes so that everyone is accommodated by the instructor. We contact you if we have to cancel a class for reasons of inclement weather or instructor illness. If we are unable to reach you we will send an email or leave a message. You will need to respond to that message to re-schedule the class. When you register and don’t show it means that someone else couldn’t take the class at that time and hence we lose revenues. Please be sure that you can follow through with a class before you register. There is a $50 processing fee if tuition must be refunded.
Saturday & Sunday, February 8 & 9, 2025, 9-3, Blacksmithing: Make a Knife Workshop
Sign Up Now.
Saturday & Sunday, February 8 & 9, 9am-3pm. Please sign up quickly as the instructor needs advance notice of who is taking the class, and classes are limited to six. There are 3 spots open for this class currently. This is a start to finish. Start with a high carbon steel billet. Heat and shape a blade and a handle tang. Use hand file, belt sander, wet stone and sand paper to refine blade. Heat treat and oven temper. Drill brass rivet holes in tang. Fit hardwood handle scales and fix with rivets and fast drying epoxy. Using sand paper and belt sander perfect your knife handle. Using oil or oil base material finish your handle. You’ve completed your first knife. Cost: $295 for the two day class instruction and materials. You will call: 207-205-4849 to register and make payment by credit card. You should bring a bag lunch, non synthetic gloves, non synthetic clothing and footwear, safety eyewear with side shields, maybe ear plugs (it gets loud), and energy for the two day experience.
Saturday & Sunday, February 15 & 16, 2025, 9-3, Valentine’s Weekend Blacksmithing: Make a Knife Workshop
Saturday & Sunday, February 15 & 16, 9am-3pm. Please sign up quickly as the instructor needs advance notice of whose taking the class and classes are limited to six. Valentine’s Blacksmithing: Make a Knife Workshop. Take this class with your significant other for a reduced cost. Normal single student cost is $295. A pair that each makes a knife is $545.00 for a $45 savings! A parent/guardian can take class too but the child age 13-16 needs an accompanying adult to assist (adult will watch not make unless they want to pay additionally for their place in class). This is a start to finish. Start with a high carbon steel billet. Heat and shape a blade and a handle tang. Use hand file, belt sander, wet stone and sand paper to refine blade. Heat treat and oven temper. Drill brass rivet holes in tang. Fit hardwood handle scales and fix with rivets and fast drying epoxy. Using sand paper and belt sander perfect your knife handle. Using oil or oil base material finish your handle. You’ve completed your first knife. Cost: $295 for the two day class instruction and materials. You will call: 207-205-4849 to register and make payment by credit card. You should bring a bag lunch, non synthetic gloves, non synthetic clothing and footwear, safety eyewear with side shields, maybe ear plugs (it gets loud), and energy for the two day experience.
Saturday & Sunday, January 11 & 12, 2025w, 9AM=-3PM, Blacksmithing: Make a Knife
Instructor: Dwight King
This is a great holiday gift. We can create a gift certificate and email it to you before December 21. The class begins with an overview of safety, equipment and materials. Using propane forges you will heat and shape a billet of steel into any number of blade profiles and a handle tang. You will grind, file and sand your blade. You will participate in the two-part tempering process. Day two will involve creating and fitting brass rivets for your wooden handle that will be applied with epoxy. Further sanding and an oil treatment will finish your knife handle. You will complete a knife in two days. Bring safety eyewear, or use ours. Bring a 2.5 lb. or 3 lb. hammer (pein, drilling, or machinist type), natural fiber clothing and footwear, no synthetics, and ear plugs are optional. Dress in layers. Bring a bag lunch. Cost: $295 Call: 207-205-4849 to register.
Saturday, January 18, 2025, 9AM-4PM, Beginner’s Blacksmithing for Ages 11-15.
Instructor: Robert Schmick
This is a great holiday gift. We can create a gift certificate and email it to you before December 21. The class includes an overview of safety, equipment and materials. You will be instructed on the use of both coal and propane forges and will have an opportunity to work at each of these during the day. You will do several projects using a coal forge. First you will learn fire building and metal heating. You will create both “S” and “J” hooks. You will heat and shape a railroad spike using one of our propane forges. Parents/guardians can accompany and assist. Cost: $95 Limited to 5. Bring a 2.5 lb. hammer, natural fiber clothing & footwear, your safety glasses or ours, ear plugs (optional) and a bag lunch. Call: 207-205-4849 to register,
Saturday & Sunday, October 5 & 6, 2024, 9-3, Letterpress Printing Workshop
This our long awaited third letterpress class so don’t miss out. Letterpress printer Mark Matteau of the Dunstan Press will share a bit of his lifetime knowledge of letterpress printing having run his own one-man printing office for more than a half century. You will learn to set type, prepare a chase, ink a plate on one of our many hand lever or foot treadle printing machines. We will explore illustration cuts, wooden and lead type, as well as any number of wingdings. You will have the opportunity to print business cards and greeting cards and the like ( we have some holiday cuts ). You can set the type for an original poem or some other narrative provided there is time. There will be an opportunity for followup apprenticeships if you like as the letterpress is here and waiting to be used regularly. Cost: $225 Includes all materials. Bring a bag lunch. Call for additional info. and to register: 207-205-4849
Two Day Weekend Blacksmithing Workshop;; Make a Knife, September 28 & 29, 2024, 9AM-4PM,
Start to finish knifemaking. Forge a blade. Go through the tempering process. Fit a hardwood scales and brass rivet handle. Cost: $325 Must be twelve years old. Ages 12-16 must be accompanied by an adult who can assist. Both can sign up and make two knives at a cost of $500. Pay to register by calling 207-205-4849,
Week Long Timber Framing Workshop, Starts September 23, 2024, 10AM. Ends October 2, 2024, 4PM.
You can extend your instruction with additional work on the construction project for no extra fee. You will need to purchase or locate a tool kit (Posted on our adult workshops webpage). Cost: $750—proceeds go to costs incurred by the construction. Learn tools, methods and theory related to mortise and tenon timber frame construction with professional building restorer and timber framer Ed Somers of Bridgton, ME. This experience includes not only framing preparation but assembly. Call for additional info. or to register for the workshop. This is our third timberframing class, and you can see some of our constructions at the museum. Call: 207-205-4849
SUNDAY, MAY 19, 2024, 2-5PM
On Sunday, May 19, 2024, the Museum is offering a Coal Fired Forging: Blacksmithing Workshop with Instructor Dwight King, This will be from 2-5pm. The cost is $65. Bring a 2.5-3lb. hammer, safety eyewear, wear natural fiber clothes and footwear, gloves (optional), and earplugs (optional). Pay to register by calling: 207-205-4849. You should call by Wednesday.
Friday Night Coal-Fired Blacksmithing, April 12, 2024, 6-9PM.
You will learn the basics of coal fired forging with instructor Dwight King. You will learn about safety, fire-starting, fuel, forges, and tools. Learn to heat and manipulate steel for the purpose of beginner’s projects like a J and S hook. This class might be the precursor to the following Saturday and Sunday knife making workshop or be taken on its own. Ages 15 and older. Wear natural fiber clothing and footwear. Dress in layers. Safety eyewear with side shields are necessary. Gloves and earplugs are optional but you should consider these. Bring a snack and water. Bring a 2.5-3 lb. hammer, if you have. Cost: $65 ( If you take the Sat. & Sun. class the cost is $50 plus the fee for the Knifemaking Workshop). Call to register: 207-205-4849.
Sat. & Sun., April 13 & 14, 9AM-4PM. Two Day Weekend Knife Making Workshop
This is a popular two day weekend knife making workshop. You will forge a knife out of high carbon steel, You will shape a blade and handle tang. You learn to temper your blade in a two part process. You will create a hardwood handle and attach it to your tang using brass rivets and fast drying epoxy. The handle and blade will be finished by you by the end of the class. This workshop involves the use of propane fired forges and 1095 steel. You need to wear natural fiber clothing and footwear. You need safety eyewear with side shields. Gloves and earplugs are optional. You need a 2.5 – 3 lb. hammer. Bring a lunch and drink. We never know how many classes we will be schedule during the late fall, winter and early spring when we offer this class, so sign up if you are interested now. Call to register: 207-205-4849.
Photo Gallery of Recent Knife Making Workshop (Jan. 2024)

On Friday Night, March 15, 2024, 6-9PM Beginner’s Coal-Fired Forging (Blacksmithing Workshop)
We will revisit coal fired forging after a long hiatus. Our instructor Dwight King will develop beginners skills in you as you create a series of projects including J & S hooks. You will learn safety, fire starting and strategies for shaping steel once you’ve heated it. You should have natural fiber clothing and footwear, gloves, and a pair of safety eyeglasses with side shields. Cost $65, Ages 15 & Older.
Saturday & Sunday, March 16 & 17, 9-4, Blacksmithing Workshop: Start to Finish Knife Making
Begin by forging a blade and handle tang out of 1095 steel. You will grind, file and sand this to your satisfaction. You will do the oil quench and we will oven temper the knife. You will make and fit a hardwood handle to your tang. This includes brass rivets and epoxy. You need natural fiber clothing and footwear, safety eyewear with side shields, gloves, maybe ear plugs, and a 2.5-3lb. hammer ( pein or drilling type hammer ). Cost: $325 Call to register: 207-205-4849. Ages 15 & older.
Saturday & Sunday, January 27 & 28, 2024, 9AM-4PM, Blacksmithing: Make a Knife Workshop, $325
Forge a steel metal knife using traditional blacksmithing techniques. You will begin with 1095 steel and hammer out a blade and handle tang. Once you have completed the rough shape you will grind, file and sand your blade to perfection. You will drill holes for your brass handle rivets. You will heat treat your blade starting with a heat and quench in peanut oil. The second part of this is an oven temper which will take place after you leave from Day 1. On Day 2 you will clean up your blade and create the parts of your hardwood handle and fix it permanently. Requirements; Synthetics melt whereas natural fibers may scorch so we recommend natural fiber clothing and footwear, safety eyewear with side shields, work gloves, ear plugs (optional), and a 2.5-3 pound pein type, drilling, or metal work hammer. Call for additional info. or to register with a credit card. Cost: $325 Call: 207-205-4849

Saturday & Sunday, January 6 & 7, 2024, 9AM-4PM: Blacksmithing, Make a Knife Workshop. Start to finish class. Begin with hand forging a blade and a handle tang from high carbon steel. Grind, file and sand your blade to perfection. You will temper the knife with a oil quench and an oven heat. You will prepare your tang to receive brass rivets and hard wood handle scales, You can sand these and oil finish them. We use a fast-drying epoxy in addition to the brass rivets to hold your handle together. Bring a bag lunch, safety glasses with side shields, ear plugs, leather gloves, natural fiber clothing, leather footwear, and a 2.5-3 lb. metal working hammer ( pein type or drill hammer ). Cost: $325 In case we have to cancel due to snow we will negotiate with you a makeup weekend. Gift certificates available.
Saturday & Sunday, September 30 & October 1, Make a Knife Blacksmithing Workshop. We’re Back! The weather is changing, and it’s time to start stoking the forges in the smithy. Sign up now by calling 207-205-4849. Our workshop costs $295 for two days of instrunction. You hand forge a blade and a tang. Heat Treat. You will walk away with a ytempered knife blade. You will fit wooden scales (handles) to the tang you hane forged and secure them with brass rivets that you form and mount. You need: natural fiber clothing, leather footwear, gloves, a 2.5 -3 lb. pein type or drilling hammer, safety eyewear with side shields, maybe ear plugs, and great enthusiasm. Waiting for your call.
Saturday & Sunday, May 27 & 28, 9AM-4PM, Blacksmithing Workshop: Make a Knife

This is our popular two-day class that begins with forging a blade and tang from 1095 steel in a propane burning forge. File, grind, and sand before annealing your blade with a peanut oil quench. The blade will be oven tempered overnight. Prepare your tang on Day 2 for a handle. Fit brass rivets and hardwood scales. Epoxy wood to steel. Do a final sanding and finish with an oil rub. Bring a 2.5 lb. pein, drilling, or engineer type hammer, safety eyewear with side shields, natural fiber gloves, clothing and footwear, and earplugs (optional). Cost: $295 Pay to register. The class is limited to 5.

Whig & Courier Letterpress Office

To Be Announced *( We had our first class on April 22 & 23, 2023). Letterpress Printing with Instructor Mark Matteau of the Dunstan Press.
This two day workshop in our new letterpress office is introductory. It has a syllabus and students learn the language of letterpress printing. Students will also learn about materials, equipment, and techniques. You work with lead and wood type as well as our collection of wingdings, borders, ornaments, and cuts. There will be an opportunity to take your learning experience beyond this two-day workshop as an apprentice into the following week as work organizing the shop will continue until March 11; and, yes, you can do some more printing. Cost: $225. Contact is as soon as possible , if you are interested: (207) 205-4849.
Toolbox Contents for Our Timber Framing Workshop (May 27-June 2, 2023)

Saturday, May 27 – Friday, June 2, Mortise & Tenon Timber Frame Workshop (40 Hours of Instruction over 7 days) with Ed Somers.
Learn to plan, measure, cut and erect a timber frame structure by hands-on experience with a timber framer and historic building restorer. The first day will familiarize you with hand and power tools necessitated. learn to maintain them. This hands-on project will have you creating mortise and tenon posts, braces, beams, rafters, and fastening them with pegs. You will also install purlins with metal fasteners. Students will complete this 7-day course are welcome to participate in our two additional week-long workshops in August and October for free. Starter tool kit needed. Get your own or buy ours. Lunch provided. Dinner and housing your responsibility. We can provide locations. Free camping and RV parking possible on museum site, Cost: $975
Timber Framing

Sat., February 25, 2023, 9AM-4PM, Make a Propane Burning Blacksmithing Forge. Scroll down for a photo gallery of these forges.
This class begins with a kit prepared by us in-house. It includes a recycled helium tank with the top cut off. Horseshoe legs have been welded to it. Lugs have been welded to close the top back up once you have lined the interior of the tank with high temp refractory cement. You prepare steel reinforcement for the cement. You pour the cement into a Sana tube placed inside the tank. You fabricate a handle for the forge with flat metal stock and fasten it with self tapping screws. You assemble a series of brass fittings and a shut off vale to a fire wand that includes a 30 PSI regulator. There are black metal pipe pieces and a .030 welding tip that is also part of the assembly. It takes a few days for the refractory to cure, and then you are ready to use this in a well ventilated space. All materials included. Cost: $325
Saturday, March 11, 9AM-1PM, Foot Treadle Sewing Machine Sewing Workshop
Instructor: Susan Howard, Cost: $40. Make a feed bag tote bag with handles. Bring a bag lunch. Snack, tea, coffee available. If you still have grandma’s or great-grandma’s treadle sewing machine around, now is your chance. We’ll use the museum’s machines for this class; we can give pointers on resurrecting your own or buying one (many out there). Learn to thread the bobbin/ needle on our Franklins, Whites, or Singers. Coordinate the treadle with the speed of the needle. These will be made from synthetic feed bags adorned with graphics and a variety of colors, which makes you wonder whether they’re made that way so that they will be recycled into something else like the printed patterns on cotton flour, burlap seed, or muslin sugar bags or yore that were made into dresses and all else! We’ll show you our collection.
Saturday, March 11, PAM-3PM, Metal/ Sand Casting Workshop
Instructor: Peter Grant Cost: $150 We invite pairs of accompanying parents/guardians with child ages 12-15 (one price, sharded projects) to take this as well as adults on their own ( 16 and older). Melt aluminum/bronze and pour into sandcasting molds you prepare with a pattern. A variety of pattern molds as well as our own through arrangement can be cast. This has artistic as well as industrial application; cast a piece of machinery or figurative sculpturer. We have cast parts to early gas engines: bronze rocker arms, aluminum mufflers, and bronze governor weights as well as sundials, door knockers, and art objects.
Photos from Our Recent February 4 & 5, 2023 Knife Making Workshop

Sat. & Sun., March 11 & 12, 2023, 9AM-4PM, Blacksmithing: Make a Draw Knife & Crooked Knife.
Over two days, you will experience coal fire or propane forge blade-smithing. Create a two handled draw knife with tempered edge for shaping wood held in a vise or shaving horse. Make a crooked knife, a traditional knife form with a hooked edge point used for shaping wood, preparing hides or canoe making. The handle will be a traditional crooked shape piece that holds the blade in a notch and is wrapped with sinew or cord. Cost: $295
Crooked Knife & Draw Knife, Past Jan. 14 & 15, 2023 Workshop: this class consisted of four dads and four sons learning together! Scroll down for another crooked knife and draw knife photo gallery.

Metal Casting

Sat., March 11, 2023, 9AM-3PM, Metal/Sand Casting with Instructor Peter Grant.
We invite pairs of accompanying parents/guardians with child ages (12-15) at one price for shared projects to take this as well as adults on their own (16 and older). Melt aluminum or bronze and pour into sand casting molds you prepare with a pattern. A variety of pattern molds as well as your own through arrangement can be cast. This has artistic as well as industrial applications; cast a piece of machinery, jewelry or figurative sculpture. We have cast parts to early gas engines: bronze rocker arms, aluminum mufflers, and bronze governor weights as well as sundials, door knockers and art objects. Cost: $150
Friday, March 10, 2023, 9AM-12Noon. Pickling Workshop ( Ferment ) Making Good Bacteria.
We will make kimchi, sauerkraut and cucumber pickles. You will get a jar of each to take home. You will follow our recipes, cut and prepare the ingredients we have sourced, and you will put the product of your work in some vintage Mason jars to take home with you. Let the fermenting begin. It will take at least three days, if not more, for you to get the benefits of the pickling, The longer you wait the more flavor you get. These last for a month or so as we are not canning them; they last longer in a cool cellar. You can do this with a group of no more than six if you like or come as a pair, or individual. The action take place in our old farmhouse with a wood burning kitchen stove. Cost: $35 Call to register: (207) 205-4849 Registration Deadline: March 1 ( we need to be ready for you).
Past Pickling Workshop, 1.15.2023, Making Refrigerator Pickles, Sauerkraut & Kimchi (Korean Spicy Pickled Cabbage)


Saturday, March 4, 9AM-3PM, Teen Woodworking 1: Make a Wall Box.
Not just for teens (Ages 12-17). Adults too. Use traditional hand tools. Measure, cut and fasten together a traditional pine wall box. Cost: $25
Sat., March 11, 9AM-3PM, Teen Woodworking 2 ( Ages 12-17),
Using hand tools measure, cut and fasten together a wall box with two shelves. Cost: $35
Sat. & Sun., March 4 & 5, 9AM-3PM, Woodworking: A Pyramid of Spice Drawers.
Create a four stack of drawers with turned wood pulls. Joinery involves making dado cuts, half laps, glue, and brads. Cost: $100
Sat. & Sun., March 4 & 5, 9-3, Letterpress Printing with Instructor Mark Matteau of the Dunstan Press.
This two day workshop in our new letterpress office is introductory. It has a syllabus and students learn the language of letterpress printing. Students will also learn about materials, equipment, and techniques. You work with lead and wood type as well as our collection of wingdings, borders, ornaments, and cuts. There will be an opportunity to take your learning experience beyond this two-day workshop as an apprentice into the following week as work organizing the shop will continue until March 11; and, yes, you can do some more printing. Cost: $225. Contact is as soon as possible , if you are interested: (207) 205-4849.
Letterpress Printing

Letterpress Printing

Sat. & Sun., February 18 & 19, 2023, 9AM-4PM, Blacksmithing: Make a Knife with Instructor Dwight King. Scroll down for several photo galleries of past knife making classes.
This is our popular two-day class that begins with forging a blade and tang from 1095 steel in a propane burning forge. File, grind, and sand before annealing your blade with a peanut oil quench. The blade will be oven tempered overnight. Prepare your tang on Day 2 for a handle. Fit brass rivets and hardwood scales. Epoxy wood to steel. Do a final sanding and finish with an oil rub. Bring a 2.5 lb. pein, drilling, or engineer type hammer, safety eyewear with side shields, natural fiber gloves, clothing and footwear, and earplugs (optional). Cost: $295 Pay to register. The class is limited to 5.
WE CAN DO A GIFT CERIFICATE but don’t wait to the last minute. Our classes have a limited number of students CONTACT US @ (207) 205-4849.
Sat. & Sun., January 7 & 8, 2023, 9AM-4PM, Blacksmithing: Make a Draw Knife & a Crooked Knife
This class has not been offered in more than a decade! This can be taken by a parent with their 11-15 year old or as a singular adult; Pairs will produce a single draw knife and a crooked knife. Over two days, you will experience coal-fire or propane gas forging using traditional blacksmithing techniques and tools. Create a two handled draw knife by forming a knife edge and two spike tangs to receive hardwood handles. The crooked knife will be created with a flat tang to receive hardwood scales, rivets and epoxy. The crooked knife is the original utility knive used by Native Americans and frontiersman alike. Both these blades will be oil quenched and oven tempered. Call to register. Pay to register: (207) 205-4849. Cost: $295.
Sat. & Sun., January 14 & 15, 2023, 9AM-4PM, Blacksmithing: Knife Making Workshop with Dwight King.
This is our popular two-day class that begins with forging a blade and tang from high carbon steel in a propane burning forge. File, grind, and sand before annealing your blade with an oil quench. The blade will be oven tempered overnight. Prepare your tang for a handle. Fit brass rivets and hardwood scales. Glue your handle before sanding. Bring a 2.5 lb. pein or drilling hammer, safety eyewear with side shields, gloves, natural fiber clothing and footwear, and ear plugs (optional). Ages 15 & above. Cost: $295
Sat. & Sun., January 28 & 29, 9AM-4PM., Two Day Make a Railroad Spike and Tomahawk Workshop
This is a good introduction to forging that we have recently had a group of ten friends take together. You will form both blade and handle, and then have an opportunity to refine it with file, grinder, and belt sander. On Day 2, you will create a tomahawk drifting a handle hole. You will fit a wooden handle using a shaving horse and draw knife. There will be lunch provided weather permitting with this workshop if our ICE HARVEST EVENT goes as scheduled. Call to register: (207) 205-4849. Cost: $295
Crooked Knife Database

One Day Railroad Spike Knife Making Workshop

Sunday, January 29, 2023. Propane Forge Making Workshop at Orrington (19th Century Curran Village) (Ages 11-14 can take with an adult) with Robert Schmick.
Do blacksmithing in the garage or barn. Make sure you ventilate. Starting with a helium tank, we weld horseshoe legs to it, cinching lugs to the top, and some thumbscrews to fix your flame wand inside the shell. You prepare the tank with steel reinforcement for the refractory cement. You adapt a SANA tube as a form inside the tank. You cut multiple holes in your steel tank. You cold bend and fit a handle. You assemble a series of brass fittings and copper tubing that involves cutting, flaring and tap and dyeing. You can fit a new electric blower to your forge increasing its’ forging temperature (NEW option request). Your forge will be fully functional, but you should let the refractory cement cure for several days before using. We will instruct you on lighting and using the forge. Cost: $425 ($325 without blower). Call to register ASAP for the March 12 class. Call: (207) 205-4849

Saturday & Sunday, January 7 & 8, 9AM-4PM, Make a Draw Knife & Crooked Knife
Over two days, you will experience coal-fore forging or propane fueled forging. Create a two handled draw knife for shaping wood held in a vise or a shaving horse as well as a crooked knife ( a traditional knife form with a hooked point that you draw towards you in shaping wood. These will be tempered. Wooden handles will be fitted using a shave horse and draw knife. Cost: $295. Pay to register: (207) 205-4849.
Saturday & Sunday, February 11 & 12, 2023, 9AM-3PM, LETTERPRESS PRINTING. This two-day workshop in our new letterpress office is introductory. It has a syllabus and students learn the language of printing. Students will also learn about materials, equipment, and techniques. You work with real lead and wood type as well as our collection of wingdings, borders, ornaments, and cuts. There will be an opportunity to take your learning process beyond this two-day workshop with offered apprenticeships. Cost: $200. Potential students be aware that there will be an opportunity to meet and greet with instructor/printer Mark Matteau of Dunstan Press in Scarborough, a working letterpress business, before the class. We will be setting up and organizing the shop; let us know if you would like to assist. There will be postings on our Facebook page to this effect. To register, call: (207) 205-4849.
Knife Making Workshop

Coal Fired Forging: Blacksmithing

Letterpress Printing

Propane Blacksmithing Forge Making

Metal Casting/Sand Casting

Shibuichi ( Japanese Metal Art )
Shibuichi is Japanese is translated as “one quarter”. It is usually an alloy mix of one part silver and three parts copper. Shibuichi was often used to decorate a samurai’s sword’s handle and scabbard. It is used jewelry. At this experiment Biddeford metalsmith Ann Thompson orchestrated making the alloy for possibly jewelry in the future.

Make a Shaving Horse & Forge a Draw Knife

Dove Tail Joinery & Six Board Blanket Chest Making

Apple Tree Grafting (Spring)