Latest News
If you are interested in learning of our latest news, try our Facebook page: “19th Cerntury Curran Villages at Orrington & Newfield.” Visitation is temporarily on hold at our Orrington site due to the COVID=19 Pandemic. The Newfield site is in the process of being relocated. We are presently moving ten structures, including the carousel building and the carousel to Orrington. Our collections are also being relocated and stored temporarily. The Orrington site is under construction with a 25 x 205 foot road constructed recently that will take a museum village across the town line to Holden; the Curran property is divided between Orrington and Holden. We have moved three buildings to Orrington: an icehouse, blacksmith shop and 50 foot long shed. The red schoolhouse in Newfield will soon make its way North. The structures being moved from Newfield are museum buildings constructed between 1969 and 2018. All the original structures to the Newfield site will remain and are currently for sale.
Check out our in-print June 2020 Newsletter: