Hands ON Workshops for Adults & Kids

CALL: 207-205-4849 for more information and to register. We take credit card payment over the phone.

Saturday & Sunday, March 29-30: Blacksmithing for Kids (Ages 11-15): Make a Tomahawk. Accompanied by an adult the student will learn safety, materials, tools, and equipment related to forging. Students will begin with mild steel and create a “J hook” tapering, bending, twisting, drifting, and cutting the metal using hammer and additional tools. The student will heat and draw out a blade shape from a conventional claw hammer. The student will drift out a round hammer hole and cut off the claws of the former hammer. We will do an oil quench to hardened the steel and then an oven heat to complete the tempering process. Students will then create in our Carpenters Shop their tomahawk hammer handle from scratch using hardwood. This will involve the use of a froe, hatchet, drawknife, shaving horse, rasp and utility knife. Cost: $195 The class is limited to 5 kids and their parent/adult.

Saturday & Sunday, April 12 & 13, Blacksmithing: Make a Knife from a Farrier’s Rasp. This is our two day knife making workshop in which we create a blade and tang. In this case, we will use a Farrier’s rasp to add a particular look to our completed knives. We will temper these knives as well as create a handle with brass rivets and hardwood scales. Cost: $245

Saturday & Sunday, April 12 & 13, 9AM-3PM, Letterpress Printing Workshop. This workshop is open to students 12 and older, adults. This is an overview of materials, equipment, methods and techniques under the instruction of a professional letterpress printer, You will complete three beginner’s projects including printing a business card, stationary pad, and ex libris/book plate. Cost: $195