This Week, July 15-21, 2019, at Orrington & Newfield

In Orrington, we have Old Home Week. Our Giant Yard Sale under the tent is from 8:30-3 PM on Thursday, Friday, & Saturday, July 18, 19, & 20. We have antiques, household items, furniture, equipment, books, toys, and just about everything else.

On Saturday, July 20, at Orrington, we will have Bluegrass music, with Freshly Cut Grass, from 12 Noon on. There will be baked beans, hot dogs and hamburgers as a fundraiser for the museum. Stop by and walk the grounds; see some of our new construction.

In Newfield, we have our Annual Membership Recognition Dinner and the Yankee Brass Band Concert, an 18 piece Civil War era brass band.. The concert is sponsored in part by the Sanford-Springvale Historical Society. This is free to members, but the public can attend the dinner and concert for $20 per person and $35 a couple. The deluxe bean supper, located in the Old Sandwich Shop, is from 4:30-6 PM. Everyone needs to make a reservation, including members, if they are coming.

The museum is open on Friday, July 19th, On July 20 & 21, we will have the Maine 5th Battery, a Civil War artillery group of reenactors with live cannons. There will be other activities going on as well.